Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
I’ve completed these Wizardry Variants Daphne Respawnable Quests over a month ago and on January 14 2025 I found out I am able to re-receive their Gems again.
Tavern Head Chef Quests Abyss 2
20 Orgs – Head Cook Scorpion Legs
20 Orgs – Head Cook Minotaur Ribs/Head
*Note: Turn in Scorpion and Mino items to the Head Chef and NOT the Tavern. (It worked this way for me so I wouldn’t try turning them in to the Tavern just in case)
50 Orgs – Shagtis Mandate
50 Orgs – Bird Soup
50 Orgs – Vernant Herb Swap
It is NOT exploitable like last time where you complete it back to back (I’ve tested all but Bird Soup and it did not work again!) so these quests may either have a monthly cooldown, or they reset after a maintenance patch, or it’s just bugged.
If you had done these quests recently it may not work now, as I have said before it’s been over a month for ME since I completed those quests.
*Side note: I was not able to wheel to round 3 because it’s bugged so wheeled to round 2 instead and fight your way to round 3 for the Shagtis/Bird/Vernant quests.
More Quests that have resetted
Melgina/Gessi Ore requests
50 Orgs Titanium Dagger
50 Orgs Titanium Ores
50 Orgs Bonnie Wire
50 Orgs Clyde Cutlass
50 Orgs Battle Set
*Note for Bonnie/Clyde: After complete quest -> Curse Wheel to a different route (Princess/Church/Captain just not the same route so that it will reset your interaction with them) -> Curse Wheel to Colossal Galleon and meet Bonnie/Clyde again -> repeat
50 Orgs Knightquil (no wheel cheating)
50 Orgs Kill 5 Warps
50 Orgs Murder Investigation (IDK if it matters but I talked only to Rikert)
Abyss 1
Abyssal Steel request -> Fluorescent Flower Delivery Request
50 Orgs
Wheel to Treacherous Floor
Go to Tavern and complete Abyssal Steel
Receive Letter from Albano’s uncle
Go Treacherous Floor and up the stairs Convincing Albano
Go back to Tavern and accept Fluorescent Flower
Go to Dana Inn
Go to 2nd Big Harken then fight Mimic at bottom left
BF3 for flowers and done
In total 640 Gems
**Extra Note: If this is not a bug, I would recommend checking these quests again every maintenance patch and/or every month to see of it resets again for the free gems. (Or if the devs take these away then screw them.