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Bump Superbrawl Best Team & Beginner Guide

Alright here’s my Bump Superbrawl Best Team I’ve been using so far for Brawl. The playstyle seems super repeatable and I haven’t discovered a proper way to counter it. Maybe you guys can try it yourself, or tell me why this comp is no good.

Bump Superbrawl Best Team & Beginner Guide

TOP: Baba -> Punzel
CENTER: Petra -> Minitaur
Bottom: Kamo -> Strip


Baba – Your setup and Spawn Shotter
Petra – A valuable attack and amazing Ult. Use it for heavy damage and stunning.
Kamo – Soley there to be turned into a pig. He has big health so he synergizes well with Baba’s Super.
Subs – Punzel, Minitaur, and Strip all play the role of Cleanup. Their ults are impactful and can all KO multiple heroes with a single Super. Synergizes great with a Pig Teammate as Pig Rush doesn’t require any Super charge to get massive KOs. As long as a Pig Teammate is active, you should have no wasted turns.



Bump Superbrawl Best Team

Start each game by moving Baba to a safe location and using your super on Kamo. Kamo was chosen SOLEY for his health total, as Baba’s super adds +150% health to her target. I say move her to a safe spot over anything because a Turn 1 bump WILL derail your entire gameplan. It’s certainly not impossible to win after getting bumped, but you’ll be absolutely playing on your backfoot for the remainder of the match.

With this in mind, being able to put Baba into Spawn Shot range is EQUALLY IMPORTANT. I cannot stress how often I 3-0 games because I put Baba in position to spawn shot. Being able to turn a hero who could use a devistating ult or put them into Pig Charge KO range is massive and is an incredibly valuable turn 1.


Here you have some options, after seeing who your opponent moves first, you can either counter that target immediately with a Pig Dash or Damage+Stun with Petra.

In Casual/your max level, Pig Dash can OHKO Arjay, Blinx, Lil Reaper, Mardi, and Miss Pele.

Your choice is mainly determined by how much health your target has. In Casual, if the Target has less than 405 health remaining, you can charge immediately to pick up at minimum a confirmed 1-0 on turn 2 (with hopefully a spawn shot on turn 3). If your target has more than 405 health, go for a dash+stun with Petra, which will pretty much always put your target into KO-range and stun them in place, securing a guaranteed 0-1 at minimum next turn.

As much as getting a Turn 2 KO feels good, I actually prefer when their tanky heroes are my target as it allows for better Super usage each round. Since the goal is to use your Pig Dash every other turn, you’ll be able to manage those more expensive Supers very easily.

From here on. Rinse and repeat between Petra and Pig Dash. By Turn 4 you’ll be able to afford Petra’s Super, and by the time she’s able to be used again, her super will be back as well (if the game even lasts that long)

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