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Jotunnslayer Hordes of Hel – How to farm Gold Coins

How to How to farm Gold Coins in Jotunnslayer Hordes of Hel

Pick Sorc with 10% xp Staff as Class, skill Draining Touch (Gold Drop Rate) + 2x Mastery of Fate (for +2 Banishes and +6 Rerolls) and Divination (Experience Gain)

Wisdom on Freya (Pickup Range)

Greed and Rigged Lottery on Loki (Gold Drop Rate + Gold Skill)

Far Sight and Yule Father on Odin (Experience Gain + Double Skill Reward), as well as Defiant for +1 Blasphemy to ban Thor.

DO NOT skill any passives / skills that aren’t in the pool by nature. Only add Divination, Rigged Lottery and Ragnarok.

Pick all 5 mods to increase Resource Bonuses by 30% each

UPDATE: Here is the new route for getting all the correct Talents much easier

Ban Thor asap when he shows up

Instantly pick 3 Autocasts along Odin and Loki (Vipers + Ragnarok + whatever is always great). Do not take any on Freya. This will allow you to only pick among Freya passives once you hit Level 5 and she shows up. Get Brisingamen (Gold/Level), Clairvoyance (17% XP) and Godlike Appeal (50% Pickup Range)

Pick any 2 Seeress Autocasts and Banish them instantly when they show up again. This way you will also get access to passives only on the Sorc to get Divination (XP Gain), Soul Reaper (CDR Reset on Gem Pickup), etc. much faster

Pick Rigged Lottery whenever you wanna invest into Loki Skills and it shows up while doing so. Same for Bonus Reward Chance

You can also use the Sorc Passive that will soak in all XP Gems when Eldritch is being triggered. More levels = more gold per lvl.

Try to run the map in a circular motion from outside to inside and pop all Barrels for possible extra Gold (do it while completing Objectives and use Food Icons to see where you already went to). Complete the “hardest” Objectives on Normal for more gold.

Gold Farming

Damage Multiplicators:

5% Dmg and 25% Boss Dmg Odin
Crit Chance with God Skill Dmg Odin
All Skill Dmg Sorc


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