Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Enchantments are a key part of powering up your relics in Lord of Nazarick, they allow you to boost stats and gain powerful bonuses. But to unlock and maximize enchantments, you need to follow the right steps—especially since the system relies on RNG elixir rolls and rarity-based level increases.
Level up one – four total relics to prismatic, and enhance to lvl 20 inorder to access enchantments
Then tap enchantment button, and apply a enchantment elixir
Those 1 – 4 relics can have 3 different rarities of enchantments up to prismatic
Each rarity is one level of 1 type of bonus. Increasing level per rarity
Higher rarity, higher level.
Every level of the same enchantment Increases enchantment level up, to 10
The only way to increase level is via RNG elixir rolls, up to a max of 4 separate enchantments on ONE relic
Epic tier enchantment gives one level towards that one enchantment.
Legendary tier enchantment gives 2 levels towards that one enchantment.
Prismatic tier enchantment gives 3 levels towards that one enchantment.
You can have up to 4 total enchantments on one equipment. Those four enchantments can be epic, legendary, or prismatic.
There are 20 total enchantments, 10 enchantments requiring level 10 to Max. 10 enchantments requiring level 5 to Max.
No matter what,
if you want to Max an enchantment on a relic, You have to have an odd number / a used up slot rather than Either 3 + 3 + 3 + 1 for max 10 enchantment or 3 + 2 for max 5 enchantment or a variation of such e.i. 3 + 3 + 2 + 2 for 10 or 1 + 2 + 2 for 5
The bonuses are additive, 4 epics of the same enchantment, Give a level 4 enchantment, total.
Adding a legendary to the 3 other epics makes that enchantment level 5,
Epic example 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = Level 4 enchantment.
Legendary example 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 equals level 8 Enchantment
Prismatic example, 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 equals a level 12 enchantment However, the Max is 10, so it would be a 3 + 3 + 3 + 1. Or a variation of such
Enchantment name | bonus(‘s) |
sub bonus (lvl 5 additve number for your 4 relics)
Blade Draw | Base Atk | Atk % |
Endless Cycle | Base hp | hp % |
Fortitude: DMG | Base def | def % |
Fortitude: MAG | Base Mdef | Mdef % |
Unerring Shot | EP % | Base Speed |
Indestructible Fortress. | ER % | RDT % |
Punch for Punch | Crit % | Dmg Boost % |
Unstoppable | Crit Dmg % | ASR % (Assist) |
Indestructible | Crit rate res % | Counter Rate % |
Impeccable | Crit dmg Res % | Healing Up % |
One-hit-kill. | AOE skill dmg % | 10% extra at full |
Iron wall protection | Extra shield % | 2 rounds of shield based on 70% atk |
Hot pursuit | Chase / Assist dmg % | 40% negate def |
Almighty penetration | if [def down] dmg = HP % | 10% dmg increase if [def down] |
Thunderous surge | if [shock] % crit dmg | 20% crit if [shock] |
Riddled with holes. | if [bleed] % chance to Prox | if [bleed] adds [bleed] stack before proxing |
Play with fire | if [burn] atk% up to x4 stacks | if [burn], 12% atk, and 5% dmg up to x4 stacks |
Tit for tat | Gains [counter storm] at start of battle, +RDT%, +counter dmg%, -1 stack of [counter storm] per hit | no bonus |
Stranded | if [control] %skill dmg | if [control] %skill dmg and 50% chance reduce cooldown by 1 |